Friday, May 02, 2008

blog 2.0

So I was thinking: it's not often that an un-retirement leads anywhere good. MJ, The Rocket, Tab Energy Drink, the new Lite Brite -- did they ever even come close to the original glory? Uh-uh. (No). And yet, knowing all that and feeling its grip like a low-expectationed parent, here we are.


ana dane said...

you've been officially inducted into Tea Spot's links. dunk your blog twice in celebration.

marva gladstone said...

awesome! every blog needs a blog.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be so sure there, head. I am guessing you have never seen the video splendor that is Predator 2? The one where Danny Glover and Gary Busey (cool first name) kick that alien all across L.A. Sure it lacks the choice dialog gems of the Governator: "If it bleeds, we can kill it." However, how many movies can claim to be 1st NC-17 ever? Just 1, and it was a 2.

Anonymous said...

The first X-rated movie ever was Cave Shave 2.