Friday, June 06, 2008

ASCII and ye shall receive

Some people have expressed that they've gotten a little bored with the logo, which, give me a break. But, since this is a famously super-democratic blog, I've decided to offer up a potential change to satisfy the dissenting faction. Here it is, up for discussion.

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-------....----------:++----ooossodo/m:oh/++-s `:./y.--/------------------------


Anonymous said...

That is some post title! You should work in magazines.

marva gladstone said...

Thanks, Christine! I've considered that but am afraid it might interfere with my blogging.

ana dane said...

you have officially sunk my battleship with that title brilliance. i offer you my "me love you oolong time" crown.

Bonbon Oiseau said...

That's the kind of title you can give to a potential employer in lieu of a resume. You're hired!
(also, I have a great picture of a hot dog for you to consider as a mascot.)

marva gladstone said...

wow, the love being expressed is thrilling. and when should i show up for my new job at the incredible jewelry designer headquarters?